Archive: Character

Obstacles Are Necessary

August 25, 2022

Obstacle. Your immediate reaction to this word is probably somewhat negative. That’s understandable given the common definition of obstacle as “something that impedes progress or achievement” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Who wants progress or achievement impeded? I think many people would prefer to achieve their goals without too many obstacles. How about you? The Obstacle Is the […]

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Cheating in Tennis

February 28, 2022

Cheating and unethical behavior in tennis is not a new phenomenon, but it has received more attention in recent years, especially in college tennis. Perhaps this is because many college matches are streamed live, and the bad calls are plain to see. Jon Wertheim of Tennis Channel and Sports Illustrated wrote about cheating in college […]

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Why we need sports, snowboarding

Why We Need Sports

July 17, 2020

Most people today can agree that sports are a great and significant part of human culture. They’re fun, they’re exciting, they’re good for you, both for the players and the spectators alike. But, while these ideas seem self-evident, have you ever asked yourself if we need sports? Or, more specifically, why we need them?  This isn’t […]

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Black Lives Matter

June 5, 2020

As a sport psychology professional, I have an ethical obligation to address multicultural issues such as racism in our society. But I am also an Amercian and a human being, and given what is happening in America today, I want to communicate my thoughts on this topic and reiterate my firm belief that Black Lives […]

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Cyclist in the Tour de France, a centerpiece of a cheating scandal

A Look at Cheating in Sports

June 4, 2020

In the philosophy of sport, the issue of cheating takes a particular place of prominence. Every competitor, amateur or professional, has dealt with cheating in their sport and will continue to do so as long as the game is played. Now, everyone can agree that to cheat is to commit the highest form of moral […]

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Child smiling

Developing Coping Skills Through PERMA

March 25, 2020

Living during a global pandemic certainly presents its share of challenges and stressors.  How are you holding up?  Admittedly, it’s not easy to be plucked out of our normal lives and placed into lockdown.  We are all having to get used to different ways of doing things and taking care of ourselves.  And you may […]

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Contribute More to a Community – 50 for 50 Idea # 40

December 7, 2018

One of the most well known theories on motivation in psychology is Self Determination Theory. Developed by Ed Deci and Richard Ryan, this theory states that how we experience the concepts of autonomy, competence, and relatedness shape our motivation and can drive performance. Of these three concepts, let’s focus on relatedness, and more specifically community. […]

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Character strengths

Develop Your Character Strengths – 50 for 50 Ideas #38 and 42

October 30, 2018

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” -John Wooden Your character as a person is a set of qualities and skills that makes you uniquely you.  It’s an important concept to consider, but not one […]

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Choose Wisely – 50 for 50 Ideas #34 and #35

October 12, 2018

How many choices and decisions do you make each day? Hundreds? Thousands? Probably a lot. Let’s look at a definition of choice to help us understand this concept better: an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities (Google Dictionary). Does that sound right to you? When I think […]

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Serena and Mental Toughness

Serena Williams: Who is to blame for US Open controversy?

September 10, 2018

The 2018 US Open Women’s final between Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka was unfortunately marred by controversy. Many opinions have been expressed about what happened on the court and the fairness of it all. Was this a case of a chair umpire overstepping his bounds? Or perhaps this was a case of a frustrated player […]

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50 for 50 Idea # 26: Be more self-compassionate

July 18, 2018

As much as we don’t like it, making mistakes is a part of sport performance. And it’s a part of every day life. We are human and we are not perfect. Mistakes are going to happen, however how you react to them might be what determines your success. Will you be self-critical or self-compassionate? Let […]

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50 for 50 Ideas 6 & 7: Gratitude Journal and Thank You Cards

February 21, 2018

I know what you’re thinking. “Please, not another blog post about gratitude!” I’m with you. The topic has been discussed ad nauseam over the last several years and perhaps you have gratitude fatigue. With that being said, I want to address gratitude from a perspective of how it can help you think more positively which […]

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What’s the deal with emotions in college tennis?

June 13, 2017

This post has been on my mind for awhile and I’m writing it for all of those young tennis players who aspire to play college tennis. I want you to be prepared for what you are going to experience, and at the same time, I want you to apply the actions and principles of mental […]

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The 3 Components of Mental Toughness

October 21, 2016

In recent days, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to Mental Toughness and what it is and why we struggle with it. I have concluded that there are 3 high level components to Mental Toughness, and athletes need to be proficient in all 3 if they are to realize their best performances on a […]

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Video – Being coachable and your path to greatness

January 6, 2016

How coachable are you?  In today’s video, I discuss the importance of being coachable, the behaviors that demonstrate you are coachable, and some of the difficulties with choosing this path.  Achieving mastery of your sport isn’t easy and it requires some tough choices.  Put aside your fear and dare to be great! Also in this video, […]

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